Jupiter's Web Index
Blank Chart Templates:
Blind Charts:
S.P. Khullar KCIL Theory:
KP Stellar Astrology KP Tools:
Magi Astrology Tutorials: Magi Tools and Tutorials:
Profection Charts:
Vedic Astrology:
Cross System Analyses:
General Info, Reports, Exercises, & Tables:
Research Index:
Blind Charts:
- Barbara Cameron
- MaHaBote Excel Workbook Version 5
- MaHaBote ~ Part 1
- MaHaBote ~ Part 2
- MaHaBote ~ Part 3
- MaHaBote Permanent Planetary Calendars
- MaHaBote Tables
S.P. Khullar KCIL Theory:
- Khullar Study Group on Facebook
- Your True Horoscope: Contents of Revised and Enlarged Edition: by S P Khullar
- Khullar KCIL
- S.P. Khullar Revised Book Index
- Sub Sub Arc Table
- Star & Sub Lord Table
- Key to Learn: Sub Sub & Cuspal Interlinks Theory - Book Contents
KP Stellar Astrology KP Tools:
- K.P: FAQ & Notebook (Subject Tutorial)
- KP: Workshop
- KP: A Planet or House "Connected With"
- KP: Aspects: Principle of Judgment
- KP: Bhatt's Horoscope #1
- KP: Books
- KP: Cuspal Sub Lord Event Table
- KP: Determining Strength of Lagna Lord
- KP: Eliminating Significators
- KP: Exaltation & Debilitation Revisited
- KP: Expanded View of the Houses
- KP: General Strength of a Planet
- KP: How Does the Dasa Lord Function?
- KP: Judging Health & Disease
- KP: Methodology for Chart Analysis
- KP: Observing the Effects of the Transits
- KP: Order of Significators
- KP: Planet or House: Harmonious or Detrimental?
- KP: Prashna & Horary Charts
- KP: Rectification of Birth Time & Ruling Planets
- KP: Significance of Cuspal Sub Lords
- KP: Significance of Rahu and Ketu
- KP: Significator & Sublord
- KP: Significator's of Health and Disease
- KP: The Question and the Ruling Planets
- KP: Timing: Transits & Dasas
Magi Astrology Tutorials: Magi Tools and Tutorials:
- Magi Astrology Glossary
- Magi Astrology Aspects
- Magi Astrology Hot Keys and Filters for MagiSoft Software
- Magi Astrology Notebook Page Index
- Magi Astrology Planetary Symbolisms
- Magi Astrology Orbs
- Magi Quads & Midpoint Crossings
- Magi Super Aspects Visual
- Magi Declinations Visual
- Magi Success Linkage Visual
- Magi Quincunx Visual
- Magi Astrology
- Magi Chart Analyses
- Laci Peterson Murder ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CMA
- Charles Lindbergh Magi Analysis ~ by Sandy L Crowther CMA
- Oprah Winfrey Magi Analysis ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CMA
- Charlie Chaplin and Juno: Magi Analysis ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CMA
- Marilyn Monroe Magi Analysis ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CMA
Profection Charts:
Vedic Astrology:
- Nakshatra Table
- Vedic Workshop ~ Worksheets for Reference
- Planetary Colors & Planetary Gemstones
- Medical Themes for Planets, Houses, & Signs
- Theme Charts for Planets & Houses
- Arudha Padas
- Iyer Worksheet
- Blank Chart Templates - June 14, 2013
- Astrology of Mental Health ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
- Female: Medical Diagnosis: Borderline Personality Disorder with Bi-Polar Disorder
- ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
- Female: Medical Diagnosis: Manic Depression (Bi-Polar Disorder) ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
- Male: Medical Diagnosis: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
- Female: Medical Diagnosis: Panic Attacks/Panic Disorder ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
- Lyme Disease ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
- Suicide Analysis ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
- Mortal Madness ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
Cross System Analyses:
- Anorexia Nervosa ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
General Info, Reports, Exercises, & Tables:
Research Index:
- Astrologer's Data Research
- Anant Raichur KP Research Document & Marriage Document
- KAS Research Statistics on Marriage
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