Psychiatric Medical Diagnosis: ADHD by Sandy L. Crowther CVA
Note: This (formerly) unpublished analysis was prepared for my presentation at the Global International Astrology Conference in Kuala Lumpur in 2002, and has been revised, updated, and delineated using Vedic methodologies.
Male: Medical Diagnosis: ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) accompanied by episodic Mood Disorders
Male: November 21, 1970 Time: 10:27 AM Zone: 5:00 DST: 0 Longitude: 73W14 Latitude: 42N27 Lahiri Ayanamsa: 23:27 365.25 Day Year Birth Dasha: Ke/Me/Ra (10th lord Bhukti)
Lagna: 21 Sagittarius 36’
Functional Malefics: Moon
Conditions of the Significator’s for Psychiatric Problems: Moon, Mercury, 4th and 5th Houses, Cancer and Leo. The 3rd house and Mars rule initiatives.
In Chart 3, there are no natal nodal afflictions, no afflictions to houses, and no planetary afflictions. All planets are in a weakened state except for 11th lord of friends, Venus. The problems and difficulties we encounter in life are caused by the weak planets, and/or the afflictions to the weak planets. However, when a weak planet is well-placed, un-afflicted, and aspects its own mulatrikona house or is aspected by functional benefics, it still retains some capacity to protect its house. As stated earlier, the weak planets are not capable of protecting or promoting their general significations and the significations of the houses ruled by them during their respective sub-periods, and/or at the time they are under malefic transit influences.
Chart Overview:
Mars, lord of the 5th house of inclinations, romance, sports, and depression is well placed and widely conjunct the equal bhava madhya (EBM) of the 10th and therefore aspecting the MEP’s of the 1st, 4th and its own house, the 5th. Mars is weak by virtue of old age, and disposited by weak and badly placed Mercury in the 12th house of losses, confinement, and hospitalization.
Malefic 8th lord, Moon, who is well placed in the 9th in Leo, but is associated with Ketu and disposited by weak Sun, who is also badly placed in the 12th house of losses, confinement, and hospitalization. First lord Jupiter is well placed in the 11th house of gains, but combust and in old age. Jupiter is associated with its dispositor, strong and un-afflicted Venus, who is conjunct the equal bhava madhya (EBM) of the 11th house of gains and aspecting the EBM of the 5th house of speculation and romance. His charming nature, good looks, and outgoing personality made him both popular and well-liked, and he had many resourceful friends.
There is no MT sign in the 2nd, so Jupiter and Moon are primary determinants for the 2nd house of bad habits and vices. Jupiter aspects the 3rd house and mutually aspects the 3rd lord Saturn, in the 5th, along with enhancing the EBM of the 5th house. Third lord Saturn is well-placed but weak through both debilitation and disposition by weak Mars. Lord of poisons and drugs, Rahu, resides in the 3rd house of initiatives.
The combined weakness of both the 3rd lord, Saturn, and Mars, along with the 3rd lords association with Rahu in Navamsha, and Mars posited in the Navamsha 12th, gave problems with respect to his initiatives, such as completing projects he had started, controlling in a productive manner his excessive energy, and finding productive and sustained outlets for his frequent boredom, which resulted in frequent urges to both impulsive behavior and constant movement and/or fidgeting. His 5th lord, Mars, well placed in the 10th and aspecting the EBM’s of the 1st, 4th, and 5th, also gave him the inclinations, initiative, drive, and intelligence to support opportunities for higher education, all of which were initiated but never completed. Being driven to distraction, he could never seem to fulfill his desires. He was on the Dean’s list at a prominent University as a pre-med student, studying to be a physician, but he impulsively dropped out and discontinued pursuing his chosen field, prior to completing his studies. He also excelled in sports, playing semi-pro football, and was an accomplished body builder when focused. His focus always gave way, however, to impulsive behavior and activity. His weak 3rd lord aspected by both 1st lord Jupiter and 5th lord Mars, certainly gave him both wisdom and good intentions, but he lacked the strength, determination, and confidence to follow through with his initiatives. Anything he took on, he tackled with as much intensity as he could muster up, and always in excess, until new impulses got the best of him. He was not known for being intentionally disruptive, he just could not control his impulses, or turn off his internal motor long enough to accomplish anything successfully over the long-term.
Weak Mercury, badly placed by conjoining the EBM of the 12th, impaired his ability to concentrate, so any attempt at dedicated focus was frequently lost due to distractions and mental unrest. His discrimination and self-confidence with respect to his mental abilities was also impaired, and his increased respiratory nature was unsettling, bringing frequent losses in nervous control, skin irritations or itchy skin, and nervous movements.
Weak malefic Moon is well placed in the 9th, disposited by weak Sun in the 12th. Moon is associated with Ketu in Rashi, and aspected by Rahu in both Navamsha and Panchamsha (D-5th varga), bringing emotional and mental irrationality and instability with respect to poisons, drugs, vices, and indulgences, and occurrences of frequently subjecting himself, through his impaired judgment and impulse to binge, to both disgrace and death-like situations and experiences through accidental overdosing. Indulging in excess was an outlet at an attempt to feel better – and everything he did was usually done in excess. If it was good or made him feel good,more was better. Moderation and control were not options with him. Problems with drugs and/or alcohol are known to be predisposing factors associated with mood disorders and depression.
Events during Dasha and Bhukti of Malefic Moon:
In July of 1997, this former alcoholic, who had been maintaining a sense of control of his life for a few years through university studies, a stable relationship, and participation in sports, began drinking again. His mental and emotional unrest intensified because the time had arrived for him to apply for acceptance to medical schools for further continuing his studies in medicine, and therefore he was uncomfortably confronted with facing many years of both dedicated control and discipline in order attain success and status. His courage and Mars were not supportive, nor was his confidence and Mercury in his abilities. He was also running an unfavorable Mo/Mo/Ju dasha, so the short-term or periodic bouts of depression he previously encountered, began to intensify at the onset of double malefic Mo/Mo main and sub-lords.
In September of 1997, he began using hard drugs. He was running a Mo/Mo/Sa dasha.
In October of 1997, his fiance’ and the love of his life ended the relationship because of his excessive and continuous alcohol use, drug addiction, and lack of productive focus. He was running a Mo/Mo/Me dasha. The romantic break-up set off a depression that now accompanied his dependence on drugs and alcohol to cope, and he was periodically admitted to hospitals to dry out several times after being found unconscious by either his friends or his mother, and nearly overdosing. These near death experiences were becoming more frequent, and eventually led to voluntary admissions to various countrywide Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center’s, in an attempt to rehabilitate himself. After his release, he would begin the downward spiral and destructive behavior once again.
Mo/Sa/Mo Dasha:
On July 23, 2002, this young, bright, and talented man lost his battle with drugs. He passed away from an accidental heroine overdose, and was found lying in his bed by his mother, with the injection needle still in his arm. He was officially pronounced dead at approximately 12:29 PM.
Chart of Accidental Drug Overdose, Resulting in Death: Mo/Sa/Mo
Both Rahu’s poison and the Moon’s most malefic impact were working together. The nodes were transit stationary on the EBM of the natal 6th/12th axis, impacting all the even numbered houses with a 60% affliction. Transit Rahu from the 6th was afflicting natal Mars in the 10th. (He had recently lost his job, as a result of being caught in the act of shooting up heroine in the back room while on the job.) Additionally, main and sub period lords, Moon and Saturn, were both badly placed near the EBM’s of the 6th and 12th houses of trouble, and end of life respectively, and both main and sub lords were heavily transit afflicted by the malefic stationary nodal axis.
Transit malefic 8th lord Moon, was tightly afflicting the EBM of the natal 12th house of loss 85%, and transit Moon and transit Ketu were both afflicting natal Mercury, 36 % and 12%, respectively. Eleventh lord Venus was weak in transit, badly placed in the 8th and disposited by transit malefic Moon in the 12th. Hisfriend and resourceful supplier who sold him the heroine, was hospitalized the same day when he was found unconscious in his apartment, and he now faces criminal charges for the death of his friend.
Note: Diagnosing states of Mental Health can be a lengthy process for Professionals in the medical field, such as Psychiatrists and Psychologists, as many aspects of the behavior criteria, background, and motivational aspects of the patient must be thoroughly evaluated for appropriate medical diagnosis. Often times the psychiatric medical diagnosis is followed by lengthy and diversified experimentation in medication, with the physician searching for the appropriate medicinal prescriptive relief for that particular patient, while minimizing side effects. Often times these prescription intentions are met with unsuccessful results when it comes to finding the magic pill for behavior modification or relief, because mental and emotional states of mind are based on so many internal and external personal experiences, many of which remain a mystery to all but the patient.
Astrologer’s encounter similar experiences and investigations in their search, only we base our evaluation on the horoscope. Every individual horoscope is a woven pattern of unique energy at play, and this energy must be thoroughly synthesized and integrated before a conclusion can be drawn, especially with respect to something as delicate as states of mental health. The prescriptions we recommend are remedial measures with propitiation of the malefics. Although beyond the scope of my presentation, I advise all astrologers to become very familiar with remedials, as often times they become the saving grace for those clients experiencing depression, anxiety, etc.