About Sandy

Just a "short" note to introduce myself to you...
*** My name is Sandy L. Crowther and here's my story... (better grab a chair.;-))
I've been a student and teacher of Astrology for about 40 years. I studied Western Astrology on my own for many years, (since 1972), and later was fortunate enough to tie up with another Astrologer, who was well versed in Hindu Astrology, in the year 1982. She has since passed on but perhaps some of you knew of her; her name was Barbara Cameron. She became a dear friend of mine until her passing in 1987, and during the time I knew her she had a profound influence on my studies.
Barbara had settled in New England, right around the corner from my home, after spending 18 years of her life in the Far East and New Zealand. We soon became good friends with many interests in common, and shortly thereafter decided to open up an Astrological Business together called Mandalay West. Being a Western Astrologer at the time, it was my job to do Western charts and she, Eastern charts. As thirsty for knowledge as I was, it wasn't long before I found myself more interested in what she was doing than what I was doing. I was constantly filing through her notes and papers and before long, I found myself putting down my Western Astrology books as my main focus, and taking up the study of Vedic Astrology. She was my first introduction to Jyotish, which changed the course of my life. Needless to say, after this initial light bulb moment, I became fascinated with the study of Jyotish. From that point on, I needed to obtain all and any info and books I could find on the subject, which back then in the USA were far and few. But I was determined, and was following a paper trail that would lead me to a final destination of who knows where, as both my journey for the Truth and Jyotish passion continues year after year...
In 1990, A book came out by Dr. David Frawley, called Astrology of the Seers. It became my bible until 1993, when I became Certified in Vedic Astrology through Dr. David Frawley's Course through The American Institute of Vedic Studies. I have also taken various other Astrology Courses throughout the years, studied tapes, sessions, related work material and Correspondence Courses given by various instructors such as Ranjan Bose of Crystal Pages, Case Studies in Vedic Astrology, Volumes 1 through 5, by Marc Boney, in addition to a Western Course in Natal Astrology by Uranus Publishing. I have both studied and done research for Krushna's Ashtakavarga System, in addition to taking courses on Iyer's Method's for analysis of Divisional Charts. I formerly served as Vice-President of the IIPA (International Institute of Predictive Astrology) and was honored to be awarded with the Certificate and Title of Jyotish Kovid by Professor V.K.Choudhry of the Systems' Institute of Hindu Astrology and Founder of Systems' Approach, in October of 1999. I also hold original Certification in MaHaBote - Burmese Birthday Astrology received directly from Barbara Cameron, and have also been conferred with the title of Level lll Certified Magi Astrologer from the Magi Society, as of 7/28/2002. I am currently studying K.S. Krishnamurti's System of Stellar Astrology, also known as KP, and Mr. S.P. Khullar's Cuspal Interlinks Theory.
My additional spiritual background information and interests includes membership in Paramahansa Yogananda's Self-Realization Fellowship, along with Meditation Retreats at S.N. Goenka's Vipassana Center in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts. I hold First through Third Degree Reiki Master Certifications, have taught and read Tarot for many years, believe intuition has profound and intense value, and am quite proficient at Numerology. My clients over the past 30 some odd years have ranged from simple folk to movie stars, and I'm thankful to all of them for the honor of trusting me enough to delve into the depths of their souls to both answer their questions and satisfy my never ending curiosities.
The computer programs I currently work with are many - all favorites for different reasons and mandated by different operating systems.
Solar Fire Gold, Kala Vedic Astrology Software, Shri Jyoti Star 5, Goravani Jyotish, Jyotish Studio (for both the PC and the Mac), Parashara's Light 7 for Windows, Parashara's Light 8 for the MacBook Pro, Jagannatha Hora, MagiAstroSoft Pro (for Window's based Magi Astrology charts), TimePassages and Astro Gold for the MacBook Pro (both wonderful additions.) True Astrology and TP Jyotish (superb programs for those of you working with S.P. Khullar's Cuspal Interlinks Theory), and KPAstro and Jyotishya Deepika for KP Charts. KPAstro is a great program for all the KP buffs, and incorporates many exceptional KP features, while Jyotishya Deepika is a beautiful, smart, totally comprehensive and incredibly detailed software program with a wonderful interface. Additionally, Jyotishya Deepika addresses both KP and Classical for the interest of both students and professionals alike. True Astrology and/or TP Jyotish are an absolute must for any Khullar work, (fascinating) as the calculations run down to to prana lord date and time. Additionally, True Astrology is highly innovative to include many features that are not available in other programs.
On my Apple iPhone and iPad, I work with Astro Gold, Jyotish Dashboard, and Time Passages Pro - excellent programs for portability and each with unique features. I formerly worked with both Astracadabra and Jyotish Tools for Windows - two excellent astrology programs that became exceptionally handy when I was on the move or away from my computer. (The late Neville Lang's Astracadabra was so innovative, and operative with both KP and S.P. Khullar's Cuspal Interlink theory functionality while being loaded with features and exceptionally user friendly.) The MaHaBote Excel Program download (for PC's or Mac's running Office) is totally amazing for my Mahabote work. Also, the online MaHaBote Calculation Program for Windows (which runs only on Windows XP using IE browser is great if you are still working with the Windows XP OS.)
In closing, I wish to tell you that along with being fortunate enough to do the work that I love for many years, I am currently in the midst of putting my thoughts together for a book on MaHaBote - as time permits me to do so. I consider my greatest accomplishments and joys in this life to be those involving matters of the heart, combined with consistent attention to matters involving spiritual growth. I am the mother of three (grown) children, one son and two daughters, and grandma to seven handsome grandsons and three beautiful granddaughters... and still counting…;-) For all that, I am truly blessed!
May 2016
For information on Charts and Services, please note:
***I am presently not accepting any new clients. Thank you.
*** Update: My lifetime interest has also been in spirituality and finding TRUTH. I want to share, and have landed on the 'final stop' in this long, lifetime journey.
For those interested, below is an excerpt from Shri Ramakant Maharaj's amazing new book, entitled:
"Selfless Self
Talks With
Shri Ramakant Maharaj"
Edited by Ann Shaw
67. Who is Good and Who is Bad?"
Sandy L. Crowther
Professional Astrologer
Certified Master MaHabote Burmese Birthday Astrology
Certified Magi Astrologer Level lll
Certified Vedic Astrologer
Jyotish Kovid
[email protected]