Results of Planets & Houses
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Harmonious and Detrimental Houses
It will be clear from the above Table that the houses to be considered for a particular subject matter, for example, houses 2, 6 and 10 are harmonious to the matters of service, and so on with other houses.
Similarly the houses which denote negation or denial of the matters of the houses to be considered are “detrimental” to the houses to be considered, for example,. the houses 1, 5 and 9 being 12th from 2, 6 and 10. So houses 1, 5 and 9 are “detrimental” to the houses 2, 6 and 10; and so on with other houses.
A Planet Harmonious or Detrimental?
Significators and its Sub Lord
Significance of the Significator and the Sub
1. The significator shows the source of an event. The matters especially of the house or houses owned by it serve as the source.
2. The significator gives the results of its Star Lord. So the Star Lord becomes the indicator of the matters of the house occupied and owned by it and also of the house aspected by it.
3. The Sub Lord of the significator is the deciding factor regarding the matters of the Star Lord.
4. The significator gives during its period, Sub Period, or inter period, (Mahadasha, Bhukti, and Pratyantardasha), the results of its Star Lord. Or, the results of the Star Lord are experienced during the joint period, for example, during the period, Sub Period and inter period; aka as Mahadasha, Bhukti, and Pratyantardasha, of the significator, its Star Lord and its Sub Lord.
5. In short, the significator denotes the time when it will give the results of its Star lord. The Sub Lord of the significator shows whether these results will be favorable or unfavorable.
A Planet or House and its Two Sided Effect
A Planet Both Favorable and Adverse to the Native
Similarly the houses which denote negation or denial of the matters of the houses to be considered are “detrimental” to the houses to be considered, for example,. the houses 1, 5 and 9 being 12th from 2, 6 and 10. So houses 1, 5 and 9 are “detrimental” to the houses 2, 6 and 10; and so on with other houses.
A Planet Harmonious or Detrimental?
- A Planet Harmonious to Any House
- In view of the above, Table the occupant or owner of the 2nd, 6th, or 10th, the planet in the star of the occupant or owner of the 2nd, 6th, or 10th, and the planet in conjunction or in aspect with the significator of 2nd, 6th, and 10th which come under the category of the significators of 2nd, 6th, and 10th are termed as harmonious to houses 2, 6 and 10; and so on.
- A Planet Detrimental to Any House
- The occupant or owner of 1st, 5th or 9th, the planet in the star of the occupant or owner of 1st, 5th or 9th and the planet in conjunction or in aspect with the significator of 1st, 5th or 9th which come under the category of the significators of the 1st, 5th and 9th, show negation of the matters signified by 2nd, 6th and 10th. So the significators of 1, 5 and 9, are termed as detrimental to houses 2, 6 and 10.
- A planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th sign (house) as counted from its own sign (house) becomes detrimental to the matters of that house (owned by the planet).
- A planet placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th as counted from the house under consideration becomes detrimental to the matters of the house under consideration.
- The owner of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses, as counted from the house under consideration, becomes detrimental to the matters of the house under consideration.
Significators and its Sub Lord
Significance of the Significator and the Sub
1. The significator shows the source of an event. The matters especially of the house or houses owned by it serve as the source.
2. The significator gives the results of its Star Lord. So the Star Lord becomes the indicator of the matters of the house occupied and owned by it and also of the house aspected by it.
3. The Sub Lord of the significator is the deciding factor regarding the matters of the Star Lord.
- If the Sub Lord is harmonious to the matters indicated by the Star lord, the significator gives favorable results.
- If the sub lord is detrimental to the matters indicated by the star lord, the significator gives unfavorable results.
4. The significator gives during its period, Sub Period, or inter period, (Mahadasha, Bhukti, and Pratyantardasha), the results of its Star Lord. Or, the results of the Star Lord are experienced during the joint period, for example, during the period, Sub Period and inter period; aka as Mahadasha, Bhukti, and Pratyantardasha, of the significator, its Star Lord and its Sub Lord.
5. In short, the significator denotes the time when it will give the results of its Star lord. The Sub Lord of the significator shows whether these results will be favorable or unfavorable.
A Planet or House and its Two Sided Effect
- A Planet Favorable to One, and Adverse to Another
- The Native of the example Birth Horoscope # 1 was gradually promoted to higher posts in service during the period of Sun (December 13, 1949 to December 13, 1955. So the Sun proved a benefic planet to him; while Sun also proved malefic planet to his Father, because it caused his death during its period on October 1, 1955.
- Houses 2, 6 and 10 are for service. Sun is in the Star Jupiter in the 10th. So it is the significator of the 10th (promotion in service and status) the house of desirable or agreeable matters to the native. Its Sub Lord, Saturn, owns the 2nd, and it is harmonious to the matters indicated by the Star Lord (Jupiter). Hence Sun gave favorable results in service during its period and proved benefic to the native.
- The Badhaka and Maraka houses show death. Counted from the 9th cusp (Ascendant for the native's Father) Sun is in the Star of Jupiter, which becomes the owner of the Badhaka and Maraka house 7, and the occupant of the Maraka house 2. So Sun becomes the significator of the Badhaka and Maraka houses for the native’s Father; these houses signify undesirable and adverse matters to the Father. Its Sub Lord Saturn becomes the owner of 6 (sickness) and the occupant of 8 (death) and the significator of the Maraka House 12, being in the Star Sun owning 12, as counted from the 9th cusp, so it is connected with the matters of the Badhaka and Maraka Houses to the Father as indicated by the Star Lord (Jupiter). Hence Sun gave adverse results with respect to longevity during its period, and proved malefic to the native’s Father.
- Thus it may be said that the significator which is favorable to you, may prove unfavorable to your Father, Mother or Children etc. Similarly the house which shows desirable, agreeable or unfavorable matters to you, may denote undesirable, adverse or unfavorable matters to your Father, Mother or Children etc.
A Planet Both Favorable and Adverse to the Native
- In the example Birth Horoscope # 1 the Native suffered from chronic asthmatic conditions every now and then during the whole period of Moon (December 13, 1955 to December 13, 1965). Therefore, this proved malefic with respect to his health, while it simultaneously proved benefic in service, because the native was promoted to the highest post carrying responsibilities, status, and position with powers during his service career in this period of the Moon.
- The 6th House denotes sickness and disease. Moon is in the Star of Mercury, which owns the 6th and occupies the Maraka 7th. So it is the significator of the 6th and the 7th - the houses of undesirable and adverse matters with respect to health. Its Sub Lord, Sun, owns the 8th (chronic ailments and troubles) and is posited in the 6th. So the Sun is connected with the matters indicated by the Star Lord, Mercury. Therefore, the Moon gave unfavorable results with respect to the native's health, and proved malefic.
- The 6th house also shows service matters. Moon is in the Star of Mercury, which owns the 6th house. So it is the significator of the 6th house of desirable, agreeable, or advantageous matters to the native. Its Sub Lord Sun is posited in the 6th and is the significator of the 10th (being in the Star of Jupiter in the 10th). Therefore, the Sun is harmonious to the matters of the Star Lord Mercury. The Moon gave favorable results with respect to service, and proved benefic.
- Thus it may be said that neither any planet nor any house is completely benefic or completely malefic. but a planet is benefic to you if it is in the Star of the occupant or owner of the house signifying desirable matters which you expect; and if the Sub Lord is connected with the matters of that house, so that you may enjoy the results in full.
Note: All references to the material above are from the work and teachings of Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti, Chandrakant R. Bhatt, K. Subramainiam, Sri M.P. Shanmugam, Prof K. Hariharan, and/or publications in the KP & Astrology Journals/Yearbooks. For Book information, please go to KP Books.