I thought I’d share with you my personal bout with Lyme disease and the debilitating effects it physically had on me. So for those interested, below is my analysis of the planetary interactions that I feel were contributing factors with respect to my chart concerning the recent health issues, to include transit analysis and a peek into the D-6 Varga which addresses health and types of disease - Shashtamsa.
Background Information: Lyme disease is a serious, sometimes deadly, and often a debilitating long-term disease (if not cured at an early stage) that is caused by being bitten by an infected deer tick carrying the disease. It is now known to be one of the most prevalent and misdiagnosed diseases, and is rapidly infecting a large group of the American population, primarily due to the massive and ever expanding population of deer. Those who spend a good deal of time outdoors are more subject to the tick bite – and from what I’ve learned, especially so for those living along the eastern coastal regions of the US.
Deer ticks are the size of a poppy seed, and most people who have been bitten by a deer tick never spot the tick on their bodies, as they are so tiny. About 50% of those bitten develop what is called a “bull’s eye” rash, which is a clear indication that the disease is prevalent and spreading throughout the body. The other 50% of those infected have no rash, and unless they have actually spotted the tick, many have no idea why they are rapidly declining in health. Most Lyme patients have been misdiagnosed, and as a consequence have been medically diagnosed with diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Cancer, etc, and/or a variety of other ailments. The severity of the symptoms are both painful and extremely discomforting, and have a debilitating affect on both the mind and the nervous system, while the symptoms are vast and varied. Some of the symptoms I experienced in the early stages were severe headaches, fever, and flu like symptoms that didn’t subside after numerous days, followed by neck and joint pain, backaches, loss of appetite, nausea, exhaustion, insomnia, muscle, leg, and joint aches, cramps and pains, lethargy, constant sweats and/or chills, frequent eye and facial twitching, and paralysis of my arm…which finally sent me to see a doctor.
On July 10th, 2003, I spotted a tiny tick on my body as I was getting ready to shower. (I have no idea how long it had been there, as it was just sheer luck on my part that I even noticed it in the first place.) I made a mental note of the date, but wasn’t at all concerned…not until my health started (very suddenly) deteriorating rapidly, and then I remembered the tick bite. Medical tests were run for Lyme disease, and aggressive and long-term antibiotics were prescribed, along with muscle relaxers and sleeping pills. After completing aggressive and lengthy antibiotic treatment, I was then able to function on a more normal and active physical level, as most of the debilitating symptoms were then beginning to slowly subside.
Problems of ill health start surfacing during the sub-periods of the lord of the MT lagna, lord of the 6th, planets placed in the 6th, planets causing afflictions, or afflicted planets. In the case of the afflicted planets, besides the general significations being subject to sufferings, the significations of the houses where their MT sign is placed, along with the significations of the houses where the planets are placed additionally suffer.
At the time of illness, I was running Ju/Ma/Sa dasa. MD 10th lord Jupiter is natally well-placed, debilitated, and retaining 85% strength. Transit Rahu (ruler of poison and poisonous insect bites) was applying toward Jupiter, and afflicting Jupiter with a strength of 92%, while natal Rahu from the 1st was aspecting exalted but weakened transit Jupiter in the 5th within an orb of 2 degrees 58’.Jupiter was transit disposed by debilitated Moon in Scorpio in the 9th. The tick bite was well hidden (Scorpio) and occurred on my upper inner thigh (ruled by the 9th and Jupiter). This resulted in bringing about a variety of miseries (Ra) relative to joint aches and pains, and general weakness (Jupiter lords Rasi 10th) along with a nauseous stomach (transit afflicted Jupiter in the 5th) and digestive disturbances (Ju). Transit Rahu (poison) was additionally afflicting the equal bhava madhya (EBM) of the 3rd house (arms), 7th house (lumbar region) 9th house (high fever, hip joint, and thighs), and 11th house (left arm and lower legs) with a strength of 75%. Needless to say, transit Ketu was also afflicting the EBM of the 9th, the 1st (face, head, and health in general), the 3rd (arms, shoulders), and the 5th. Transit Ketu was additionally afflicting natal Sun, while natal malefic Sun mutually returned the favor afflicting transit Ketu, resulting in mutual dual support for running high fevers (Ketu) and health (Sun) related miseries (Ketu).
Bhukti lord Mars is the general karaka for both health and the 6th house, is Rasi badly placed in the dusthana 6th house of health, and disposed of by debilitated Sun who resides in the 8th in extreme old age (99%). Mars is karaka for the muscular system and the neck along with being Rasi chart significator for the neck, was weak in transit, and mutually aspecting (natal to transit and transit to natal) it’s own Rasi position in the 6th house of health from the 12th house of insomnia. Mars’ transit dispositor, (PD 12th lord Saturn), was transit conjoined functionally malefic Venus and 8th lord of chronic illness and death-like experiences. Transit Venus was applying aspect to natal malefic Venus in the 10th house of joints from the 4th house of Gemini, who rules nervous control. Paralysis is governed by Saturn, Mercury, Venus, and the first house. Mercury, 7th lord of the lumbar region, is natural karaka for the arms, skin, and nervous system, and is natally graced with four planetary weaknesses. Rasi Mercury is badly placed in the 8th, combust (and conjoining malefic Sun), in old age, and has Rasi weakness of dispositor, along with being afflicted by both 6th and 12th lords respectively (Sun and Saturn). Mercury was seriously weak in transit retaining 0% transit strength, transit disposed by debilitated Moon, and afflicted by transit Ketu. Weak natal 5th lord, Moon, was transit debilitated and associated with Ketu in the 8th – bringing about a variety of mysterious ailments and disturbing emotional peace.
D-6 Shashtamsa Analysis – Health and Types of Disease
If there are no MT signs in either the 1st or the 6th houses, then the Sun becomes the primary determinant for health matters. Poisonous insect bites are due to afflictions by malefic 8th lord Venus and/or Rahu.
Pisces is rising in Rasi. The primary determinant for health and disease in Rasi is the Sun (my 6th lord – no MT in Rasi 1st), while the general karaka for health is Mars. The Sun in my Rasi chart holds no strength at all being in 99% old age, debilitated, badly placed in the 8th, and disposed of by weak malefic, Venus. Mars is a functional benefic but is both badly placed in the 6th and disposed of by malefic, debilitated, weak Sun. However Mars is in a youthful state and has a bit of ‘umph’ left in him to fight back – despite dual weaknesses. I take what I can get…J But escape multiple health problems in this life…no way.
Moon, who rules the functions of the body in general, is weak on three counts (badly placed in the 6th, weakness of disposition, and in old age (retaining 49% strength), and afflicted by 12th lord Saturn. Mercury is in sorry shape…badly placed, combust, in old age (but retaining 73% strength), has weakness of disposition, and is afflicted by both Saturn (63%) and Sun (28%). Jupiter has weaknesses also, but is the strongest and most active planet in my chart, and therefore my saving grace. Jupiter is well placed but debilitated in Rasi, holds more strength than weakness (retaining 85 % strength), and benefically aspects the EBM's of the 11th, 3rd, 5th, and 7th with a strength of 67%. Venus is well placed but debilitated in Navamsa and disposed of by debilitated Jupiter in Rasi. Saturn is badly placed and disposed of by a weak Sun, but is in a youthful state. The nodes provide no natal afflictions and no houses are natally afflicted.
Looking at the varga for health/disease we can see that the Ju/Ma/Sa dasa connections would likely bring about health concerns. Mars is both debilitated and afflicted in D-6th, and badly placed with a weak dispositor in Rasi. Bhukti lord Mars rules the general health along with the dusthana 6th in D-6, afflicts his MD lord Jupiter, who is badly placed in the 12th and disposed of by Rasi 8th lord Venus. Venus is highly malefic in both Rasi and the D-6 varga. Bhukti lord and general karaka for health (Mars) is dusthana 6th lord in Shashtamsa, debilitated, and conjoining functionally malefic Venus, who is Rasi 8th lord of chronic illness/setbacks and D-6 12th lord of losses and insomnia. The nodes in the 6th varga are afflicting their dispositor, PD lord Saturn in the 10th house of general weakness, along with afflicting the 8th and 12th houses. The nodes are additionally afflicting MD lord Jupiter in D-6, who is disposed of by Rasi malrfic Venus and Shashtamsa malefic lord of the 12th. Rasi 12th PD lord (Saturn) afflicts MD lord, Jupiter. Moon is D-6 dispositor of debilitated and afflicted bhukti lord Mars, and Moon conjoins Rasi 6th lord of health (Sun) along with the general karaka for health in the D-6th (Mercury), who is also afflicted by Rasi 6th lord Sun in both Rasi and Shashtamsa..
In summation of the D-6th, afflicted bhukti lord Mars conjoining Venus (who is a functional malefic in both the Rasi and Shashtamsa charts), in the varga specifically addressing health and disease, the period is certainly highly suggestive of health troubles during Ju/Ma/Sa dasa. Afflicted and debilitated bhukti lord Mars (ruling a dusthana) adversely aspects his badly placed and nodally afflicted MD lord Jupiter in the 12th house of loss, while afflicted PD lord (Saturn, who is Rasi 12th lord of loss) aspects his MD lord and receives the afflictions from the nodes from his own MT sign.