Magi Analysis
Charlie Chaplin Magi Natal Charts
Geocentric Natal Chart
Longitudes and Declinations
Charlie Chaplin’s only aspect to the Sun is his Sun – Juno quincunx. This aspect, coupled with his double retrograde Venus – Uranus quincunx, can be quite telling using Magi principles - by virtue of his itch for frequent changes and liaisons with a great number of women – perhaps even having a fancy for entertaining a mistress on occasion. It is well documented that he had a propensity for much younger women. "…had a weakness for young girls." "In addition to his four wives, Chaplin was romantically linked to a number of other women." This may be additionally supported strongly by applying Uranus contra-parallel Juno in the geocentric declinations, suggesting a frequent change of mistresses, while the declinational addition supporting the synchronization involves the applying Mercury parallel Juno, suggesting both frequent contact and communications with mistresses. The Venus – Uranus – Mercury Magi Triangle may imply frequent desires for changing lovers, while also addressing that his sense of humor and theatrical animated comedy carried the power to affect the masses and keep people laughing. "The endearing figure of his Little Tramp was instantly recognizable around the globe, and brought laughter to millions. Still is. Still does."
That said, the Focus of the longitudes is the Magi Triangle involving the double retrograde Uranus quincunx Venus Super Aspect and Uranus bi-directionally applying at an opposition angle to Mercury, while Mercury applies bi-directionally semi-sextile Venus. This highly supports his desires and talents for acting and comedic expression in the entertainment industry, and a strong desire for self-expression, and frequent changes involving the women in his life. "In a 1995 worldwide survey of film critics, Chaplin was voted the greatest actor in movie history."
The Focus Aspect Mars proximity enhanced applying double direct square Saturn, provides him with above average energy relative to a pre-disposition for controlling his activities. "He was the first, and to date the last, person to control every aspect of the filmmaking process – founding his own studio, United Artists, with Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford and D.W Griffith, and producing, casting, directing, writing, scoring and editing the movies he starred in."
Jupiter applying opposition Chiron, and Chiron semi-sextile Pluto is the planetary synchronization that speaks to leadership abilities and a charismatic and powerful career, resulting in a famous public image with leadership success. . "…he accepted a special Oscar from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 1972." His romance and marital interests were also extra-ordinary.
The planetary synchronization of Saturn applying parallel Chiron and parallel Neptune, synchronized with Mars additionally applying parallel Chiron, is the declinational Focus. His youth was fraught with lack of essentials, disturbances, and many insufficiencies – living in poorly furnished rooms and orphanages. He was never really sure who his father was, and his mother Hannah, was in and out of mental institutions. "He always portrays one and the same figure…himself as he was in his early dismal youth."
Saturn applying parallel Chiron gave him the ability and status to dominate and control the destinies and future of others using his unrestricted and undisciplined, but charismatic approach, often times with young girls, which wasn’t met with approval. "Chaplin often drew criticism about his personal life and his well documented penchant for much younger women."
Saturn parallel Neptune suggests that he had a high level of attachment to his own belief systems, at times getting him into a bit of trouble, and addresses his distaste for the status quo of certain beliefs. "There were dissenters."
Mars applying parallel Chiron is a Male Sexual Aspect and speaks to the energy he expended in romantic liaisons, as well as the energy applied to his charismatic initiative and notable career. "While at Keystone, Chaplin made over 20 short films in one year, many of which he also wrote and directed." Based on his well known documented liaisons, we would expect to find a prominent Sexual Aspect in Charlie Chaplin’s chart.
Venus applying contra-parallel Jupiter at EXDEK is a Super Aspect and the Focus Aspect of the declinations. This addresses his born leadership abilities, and speaks to his abilities of successfully combining and coordinating his talents - affording him the leadership desire to take command of his many gifts, earning a lucrative income. "In 1916, his third year in films, his salary of $10,000 a week made him the highest paid actor…" This is also suggestive of his capabilities with respect to loyalty, however these qualities are largely dependent on both other conflicting aspects in the chart outweighing the same, and of course, individual free will. Charlie Chaplin’s Juno contacts, coupled with his Venus – Uranus aspects are many, and therefore must be weighed and evaluated for due consideration. This then addresses the importance of searching further - for integrating the entire Magi material available – to include the heliocentric charts for seeing things from a different angle, and searching further for midpoint predominance and contacts involving all planetary aspects and even more importantly – planetary synchronizations. People are complex, and predispositions to one behavior pattern may override another – hence the necessity to further evaluate.
Sun parallel Pluto is a Super Aspect and addresses his personal power relative to making money, and his competitive and resourceful nature relative to big business. Being an actor, comedian, producer, screen-writer, director, and composer, we would expect him to be both highly powerful and competitive in order to preserve his power, and therefore likely to dual to the death to overcome his competitors, with an aptitude for amassing great personal wealth. This super aspect both supports, and speaks very well to those personal qualities. "By 1915, he had become such a popular actor that he signed with the Essanay film company for $1,250 per week, plus a $10,000 signing bonus."
Juno forms an applying declinational synchronization with Mercury and Uranus suggesting his freedom of expression with respect to mistresses.
Heliocentric Chart
Proximity enhanced Pluto trine Juno, and Mercury applying quincunx Uranus, are the Focus Aspects of the Heliocentric longitudes. Mercury – Uranus additionally forms the chart Yod Focus, with Mercury at the apex forming a quincunx to both Saturn and the Venus conjunction of Uranus, while both apply sextile Saturn, forming a Conjoined Yod.
Proximity enhanced Pluto trinal enhancement to Juno speaks to the elevated power and sexuality he experienced while in the company of a mistress. "In 1943, another actress, Joan Barry, named Chaplin in a paternity suit…"
Proximity enhanced Mercury applying quincunx Uranus addresses his super skills and talents at expressing himself in acting, and all involvements in the entertainment industry in general. "Filmmaker Mack Sennett thought him ‘just the greatest artist who ever lived.’"
Venus applying conjunction Uranus is a Trans-Dimensional Enhancement and a Super Aspect, addressing his desires for constant excitement and change, and his propensity toward being an incurable womanizer. "Chaplin often drew criticism about his personal life and his well documented penchant for much younger women." This is also known as the Fling Aspect, and appropriately so. "Faced with a frequently malign universe, he can never quite bring himself to choose between his pleasure in the improvisatory shifts of strategic retreat and his impulse to love some creature palpably weaker than himself." Being a Silver Enhancement, this additionally supported his earning potential in the entertainment industry.
Mercury applying quincunx Saturn gave him the qualities and abilities to focus on his expressive silent acting talents and scripts, with both dedication and determination, along with a disciplined mind. "Speech is the language of hatred as silence is that of love."
Mercury quincunx Venus supports both his intellectual and articulate acting skills, incorporating physical coordination for his comedic acting skills, coupled with a good memory. "But the ravishing charm and brilliance of his films are inseparable from his convictions." He was predisposed to also be very seductive and charming in his communication skills with respect to the women in his life.
Saturn applying sextile both Uranus and Venus mildly supports his dominating mind for skills and abilities in commanding and controlling the attention of women – both in and out of the entertainment industry, along with bringing about a certain degree of control over his financial prospects. "Chaplin performed one kind deed after another for the sake of the women he adored, but he ultimately understood that they could never be expected to fall in love with a tramp like him."
Earth/Moon Complex quincunx Mars suggests great energy, sexual and otherwise, with a propensity for affecting the destinies of others. This aspect is additionally a bi-level aspect, and therefore fully strengthened and supported by the latitudes by virtue of the planetary synchronization involving the Earth/Moon Complex parallel Mars and Jupiter.
Earth/Moon Complex applying sextile Jupiter is another bi-level aspect as supported by the latitudinal synchronization of the Earth/Moon Complex Triple Parallel Magi Pyramid, and is helpful in leadership qualities affecting the destinies of others.
The latitudinal Focus is the Magi Pyramid involving Earth/Moon Complex applying parallel Jupiter, a Super Aspect, and both parallel Mars. This is a universal transit, giving initiative of universal leadership.
Mars applying parallel Jupiter is the latitudinal Focus Aspect, and provides him with leadership gifts, physical vitality, optimism, and good health.
Interesting to note is that three prominent involvements - Venus, Uranus, and Mercury, are involved in synchronizations Trans-Dimensionally, in a Magi Triangle in the Geocentric longitudes, and in a Conjoined Quincunx in the Heliocentric Chart, addressing his love of freedom of expression, while Mercury, Uranus and Juno form a declinational synchronization – fraternally supporting and strengthening the findings through confluence.
Heliocentric Aspected MDX’s involving the Natal Heliocentric Planetary Geometry
Below please find the Heliocentric longitude MDX’s, and their relevancy with respect to the Heliocentric Natal Aspects and Natal Heliocentric Planetary Synchronizations. This is another plus for Magi Astrology, and I worked on this principle to demonstrate how well the Magi techniques, as applied to Geocentric Charts, are also highly applicable to the Heliocentric Charts, and to reveal the accuracy with which they can be applied when searching for deeper information on aspects and planetary synchronizations.
The Heliocentric Conjoined Yod and Focus Aspect involves Mercury applying quincunx Uranus (Focus Aspect) with Mercury at the apex forming a quincunx to both the Venus - Uranus conjunction and Saturn, while the Venus – Uranus conjunction additionally sextiles Saturn.
To strengthen the Conjoined Yod Dynamic Symmetrical Planetary Geometry that exists in the Heliocentric longitudes, we see a Triple Aspected Heliocentric MDX with Pluto applying quincunx to the Mercury – Venus Heliocentric midpoint of 03 Capricorn 44,Juno applying square to the Mercury – Venus midpoint, and Neptune also quincunx the Mercury – Venus midpoint. So to sum it all up, Mercury – Venus quincunxes Pluto and Neptune and squares Juno. Through aspect transformation, we now see a more detailed account, in addition to the original planetary energies, to suggest that his super intelligence and desire to be powerfully appealing in both his acting skills and with all relationships and involvements with women, mistresses included, resulted in long-term creativity of expression, powerful memory techniques, and an elevated charm and talent.
To further support the planetary energies in the Heliocentric Dynamic Conjoined Yod by midpoint enhancements, we see there is another Triple Aspected Heliocentric MDX at 04 Gemini 44, with Neptune and Pluto both conjunct the Heliocentric midpoint of Mercury – Saturn, while Juno makes a trinal enhancement to same. This additional enhancement supports great long-term success with exceptional focus and power applied to the arena of the mistresses he entertained, as well as expressive acting talents he articulated with such a dedication and determination.
Additional support for the natal Heliocentric Conjoined Yod is factored in by Pluto applying quincunx and Juno applying square the Heliocentric midpoint of Mercury – Uranus midpoint (05 Capricorn 02), transforming the natal heliocentric planetary geometry to include super skills with respect to added power and ego satisfaction regarding his expressive talents with mistresses, and exploring new prospects. This is a Double Aspected Heliocentric MDX.
Saturn applies trine the Venus/Uranus midpoint bringing both a focus and determination to his desires for constant change and excitement with women.
The Heliocentric Latitudes show no degree of necessary orbital tightness to qualify for significant mention in Charlie Chaplin’s chart, with respect to the Triple Parallel Magi Pyramid, however the latitudinal MDX’s have proven to be exceptionally informative and revealing…with the added Juno and Pluto energies transforming the synchronization.