Hot Keys, Modes, and Filters for MagiSoft
Magi Astrology Software
Ctrl G – This gives you the Full Screen Graphics mode; after you are in Full Screen Graphics, if you re-enter the hot key combination, it will bring you back to the Main Screen. When hot keys changes a screen back and forth from one view to another, we use the term Toggle Ctrl G toggles.
Ctrl A – When you are in Full screen Mode, a large data window will appear on the right side of the screen and the windows will contain all the data from the Left scroll Area, but the window is much bigger. Hide window by toggling Ctrl A.
Ctrl N – this is a shortcut to getting today’s Magi AstroChart up on the screen quickly.
Ctrl O – Opens the Time Orb Filter that allows you to set MagiSoft to exclude all aspects above a specific time orb parameter.
Ctrl P – Progressions Window (while in Mode 0) Also click Update after you enter the date.
Alt 1 – To calculate the Progressed aspects.
Alt 2: To calculate the Progressed Aspects in the Declinations.
Alt F – Usable only in modes 8 and 9; draws aspect lines connecting planets of the Chart Date so that you can more easily see Symmetrical Combined Planetary Geometry.
Alt F plus F 10: For Planetary Geometry to Natal Aspects.
Alt H – Displays Geocentric and Heliocentric charts at the same time, side by side.
Alt Q – (Time) Aspects are normally listed by Magi Sequences or by planets; using this hotkey combination sorts Aspects and Transits by time to exactness; hit the hot keys again and the aspects are again listed by Magi Sequences or planets.
Alt V – Turns off red flashing planets – toggle to turn back on.
Ctrl H: Helio/Geo toggle switch
Ctrl M – Opens the House window to allow you to select House mode and choose which of 10 house systems you wish to use.
Ctrl U – Tells the speed of the planets. The higher the number, the slower the planet moves and is better for progressions if higher (longer lasting), except it is not better for Saturn progressions).
Alt O – Clears interaspect lines.
Mode 0: Lists Heliocentric planetary positions in the Left Data Grid; both the longitudes and latitudes are listed; the Middle Data Grid will be blank. Base Mode.
Mode 1: Lists interplanetary aspects in the heliocentric longitudes in the Left Data Grid, and interplanetary aspects in the latitudes in the Middle Data Grid. (Alt 1) To see Natal Aspects, you must be in Mode 1.
Mode 2: Lists the same interplanetary aspects as mode 1 but reverses the areas in which they are displayed; the Left Data Grid will have the latitudes and the Middle Data Grid will have the Heliocentric longitudes; the reason you may use this is that the <page up> and <page down> keys only work in the Left Data Grid. (Alt 2)
Mode 3: Lists all the Heliocentric Midpoints in the Left Data Grid and the Middle Data Grid is blank. (Alt 3)
Mode 4: Lists longitudinal Magi Quads in the Left Data Grid, and latitudinal Magi Quads in the Middle Data grid. (Alt 4)
Mode 5: Lists Magi Quads, (MQ’s) as in mode 4, but in reverse scroll areas. (Alt 5)
Mode 6: Lists Heliocentric longitudinal Midpoint crossings in the Left Data Grid and latitudinal ones in the Middle Data Grid. (Alt 6)
Mode 7: Lists Midpoint crossings, as in mode 6, but in reverse Scroll areas. (Alt 7)
Mode 8: Is used to calculate Interaspects and Transits that occur in the Heliocentric charts, with the longitudes in the Left Data Grid and the latitudes in the Middle Data Grid. (Alt 8) Create CAC first. (Alt 8) Transit Mode
Mode 9: Is also used to calculate Transits/Interaspects in the Heliocentric charts, but displays them in reverse in the Scroll Areas. (Alt 9) Transit Mode
Mode 10: Is also used to calculate Transits and Interaspects by Midpoints in the Heliocentric charts, with the longitudes in the Left Data Grid and the Latitudes in the Middle Data Grid. TO GO TO THIS MODE ENTER ALT A.
Mode 11: Same mode as 10, but reverses the order in which the Midpoints Transits are displayed. TO GO TO THIS MODE ENTER ALT B.
All 12 Modes work in either Geocentric or Heliocentric Astrology.
Duo Mode: - Alt H – Displays Geocentric and Heliocentric charts, side by side.
F 1 – Complete listing of all interaspects, including 72ْ, 144ْ, 45ْ, and 135ْ (no lines though)
F 5 – Lists all 30 ْ aspects.
F 9 – Lists all 150 ْ degree aspects (linkages – quincunx).
F 10 – Lists Conjunctions along with Trines and Sextiles.
F 11 – Activations and Clashes - 90 ْ and 180 ْ aspects. (Squares and Oppositions.)
F 12 – Gives Quintiles and bi-Quintiles (144 ْ and 72 ْ aspects.)
Control K: Comments
Control U: Planetary Speeds
Control plus Arrows: To change the date back or forward
The Exact Feature: If the box is checked, it tells you the day, hour, and minute that any aspect ot transit becomes exact. The Exact feature works in all modes.
For Progressions: Time Zones must be the same for both charts.
To find any type of transit, go to the Auto A box, remove the 99, and put the planet number in:
0 = Sun
1 = Mercury
2 = Venus
3 = Moon
4 = Mars
5 = Jupiter
6 = Saturn
7 = Uranus
8 = Neptune
9 = Pluto
10 or 11 is Chiron
Ctrl A – When you are in Full screen Mode, a large data window will appear on the right side of the screen and the windows will contain all the data from the Left scroll Area, but the window is much bigger. Hide window by toggling Ctrl A.
Ctrl N – this is a shortcut to getting today’s Magi AstroChart up on the screen quickly.
Ctrl O – Opens the Time Orb Filter that allows you to set MagiSoft to exclude all aspects above a specific time orb parameter.
Ctrl P – Progressions Window (while in Mode 0) Also click Update after you enter the date.
Alt 1 – To calculate the Progressed aspects.
Alt 2: To calculate the Progressed Aspects in the Declinations.
Alt F – Usable only in modes 8 and 9; draws aspect lines connecting planets of the Chart Date so that you can more easily see Symmetrical Combined Planetary Geometry.
Alt F plus F 10: For Planetary Geometry to Natal Aspects.
Alt H – Displays Geocentric and Heliocentric charts at the same time, side by side.
Alt Q – (Time) Aspects are normally listed by Magi Sequences or by planets; using this hotkey combination sorts Aspects and Transits by time to exactness; hit the hot keys again and the aspects are again listed by Magi Sequences or planets.
Alt V – Turns off red flashing planets – toggle to turn back on.
Ctrl H: Helio/Geo toggle switch
Ctrl M – Opens the House window to allow you to select House mode and choose which of 10 house systems you wish to use.
Ctrl U – Tells the speed of the planets. The higher the number, the slower the planet moves and is better for progressions if higher (longer lasting), except it is not better for Saturn progressions).
Alt O – Clears interaspect lines.
Mode 0: Lists Heliocentric planetary positions in the Left Data Grid; both the longitudes and latitudes are listed; the Middle Data Grid will be blank. Base Mode.
Mode 1: Lists interplanetary aspects in the heliocentric longitudes in the Left Data Grid, and interplanetary aspects in the latitudes in the Middle Data Grid. (Alt 1) To see Natal Aspects, you must be in Mode 1.
Mode 2: Lists the same interplanetary aspects as mode 1 but reverses the areas in which they are displayed; the Left Data Grid will have the latitudes and the Middle Data Grid will have the Heliocentric longitudes; the reason you may use this is that the <page up> and <page down> keys only work in the Left Data Grid. (Alt 2)
Mode 3: Lists all the Heliocentric Midpoints in the Left Data Grid and the Middle Data Grid is blank. (Alt 3)
Mode 4: Lists longitudinal Magi Quads in the Left Data Grid, and latitudinal Magi Quads in the Middle Data grid. (Alt 4)
Mode 5: Lists Magi Quads, (MQ’s) as in mode 4, but in reverse scroll areas. (Alt 5)
Mode 6: Lists Heliocentric longitudinal Midpoint crossings in the Left Data Grid and latitudinal ones in the Middle Data Grid. (Alt 6)
Mode 7: Lists Midpoint crossings, as in mode 6, but in reverse Scroll areas. (Alt 7)
Mode 8: Is used to calculate Interaspects and Transits that occur in the Heliocentric charts, with the longitudes in the Left Data Grid and the latitudes in the Middle Data Grid. (Alt 8) Create CAC first. (Alt 8) Transit Mode
Mode 9: Is also used to calculate Transits/Interaspects in the Heliocentric charts, but displays them in reverse in the Scroll Areas. (Alt 9) Transit Mode
Mode 10: Is also used to calculate Transits and Interaspects by Midpoints in the Heliocentric charts, with the longitudes in the Left Data Grid and the Latitudes in the Middle Data Grid. TO GO TO THIS MODE ENTER ALT A.
Mode 11: Same mode as 10, but reverses the order in which the Midpoints Transits are displayed. TO GO TO THIS MODE ENTER ALT B.
All 12 Modes work in either Geocentric or Heliocentric Astrology.
Duo Mode: - Alt H – Displays Geocentric and Heliocentric charts, side by side.
F 1 – Complete listing of all interaspects, including 72ْ, 144ْ, 45ْ, and 135ْ (no lines though)
F 5 – Lists all 30 ْ aspects.
F 9 – Lists all 150 ْ degree aspects (linkages – quincunx).
F 10 – Lists Conjunctions along with Trines and Sextiles.
F 11 – Activations and Clashes - 90 ْ and 180 ْ aspects. (Squares and Oppositions.)
F 12 – Gives Quintiles and bi-Quintiles (144 ْ and 72 ْ aspects.)
Control K: Comments
Control U: Planetary Speeds
Control plus Arrows: To change the date back or forward
The Exact Feature: If the box is checked, it tells you the day, hour, and minute that any aspect ot transit becomes exact. The Exact feature works in all modes.
For Progressions: Time Zones must be the same for both charts.
To find any type of transit, go to the Auto A box, remove the 99, and put the planet number in:
0 = Sun
1 = Mercury
2 = Venus
3 = Moon
4 = Mars
5 = Jupiter
6 = Saturn
7 = Uranus
8 = Neptune
9 = Pluto
10 or 11 is Chiron