"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
~ Plutarch
Index of KP Tutorials
for Learning the KP Stellar System of Astrology
KP Stellar Astrology - KP Tools:
- KP: FAQ & Notebook (Subject Tutorials)
- KP: Workshop
- KP: A Planet or House "Connected With"
- KP: Aspects: Principle of Judgment
- KP: Books
- KP: Cuspal Sub Lord Event Table
- KP: Determining Strength of Lagna Lord
- KP: Eliminating Significators
- KP: Exaltation & Debilitation Revisited
- KP: Expanded House Significations
- KP: General Strength of a Planet
- KP: How Does the Dasa Lord Function?
- KP: Judging Health & Disease
- KP: Methodology for Chart Analysis
- KP: Observing the Effects of the Transits
- KP: Order of Significators
- KP: Planet or House: Harmonious or Detrimental?
- KP: Prashna & Horary Charts
- KP: Rectification of Birth Time & Ruling Planets
- KP: Significance of Cuspal Sub Lords
- KP: Significance of Rahu and Ketu
- KP: Significator & Sublord
- KP: Significator's of Health and Disease
- KP: The Question and the Ruling Planets
- KP: Timing: Transits & Dasas