Page 24
Magi Notebook
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Magi Notebook Page 24
Book ll: Magi Society Ephemeris: Entries 223 to 398
223. MP Aspects (Multiple Planet Aspects), Magi Quads, and Midpoint Crossings.
224. It is not possible to provide a complete or truly accurate astrological interpretation without using MP (multiple planet) aspects because they have been some of the most important missing pieces to the overall astrological puzzle.
225. You cannot practice cutting edge astrology without including Multiple Planet Aspects. (Magi Quads and MDX’s).
226. Midpoints in the declinations are just as powerful as the longitudinal midpoints.
227. Using midpoints as transits to natal planets will greatly help you predict the short-term trends of any subject.
228. Midpoints are also very helpful in determining compatibility in love and business relationships.
229. Midpoint Crossings (MDX’s) refer to an alignment of 3 planets. Midpoints refer to an alignment of 2 planets.
230. Magi Quads are formed by an alignment of 4 planets.
231. Magi Quads and Midpoint Crossings are most useful as natal aspects.
232. Both MQ’s and MDX’s have power that is equal to or greater than, that of similar comprised standard aspects formed by just 2 planets, but they are more precise in their effect and influence because they involve more planets.
233. A MDX occurs whenever any planet is positioned at any multiple of 30 degrees from the midpoint of 2 other planets (semi-sextile, sextile, square, trine, quincunx, or opposition). If the midpoint is 00 degrees Leo, the whenever a planet is positioned at 00 degrees of all 30 degree aspects, it is at the MDX.
234. Using 20 degrees Leo as the midpoint of Jupiter-Pluto, anytime a midpoint crossing occurs, the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint will have an effect directly on the crossing planet; likewise the crossing planet will also influence the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint, which means that the crossing planet will affect both Jupiter and Pluto.
235. The exact nature of the influence will depend upon precisely which combinations of planets are involved, and also on the angle of the crossing.
Book ll: Magi Society Ephemeris: Entries 223 to 398
223. MP Aspects (Multiple Planet Aspects), Magi Quads, and Midpoint Crossings.
224. It is not possible to provide a complete or truly accurate astrological interpretation without using MP (multiple planet) aspects because they have been some of the most important missing pieces to the overall astrological puzzle.
225. You cannot practice cutting edge astrology without including Multiple Planet Aspects. (Magi Quads and MDX’s).
226. Midpoints in the declinations are just as powerful as the longitudinal midpoints.
227. Using midpoints as transits to natal planets will greatly help you predict the short-term trends of any subject.
228. Midpoints are also very helpful in determining compatibility in love and business relationships.
229. Midpoint Crossings (MDX’s) refer to an alignment of 3 planets. Midpoints refer to an alignment of 2 planets.
230. Magi Quads are formed by an alignment of 4 planets.
231. Magi Quads and Midpoint Crossings are most useful as natal aspects.
232. Both MQ’s and MDX’s have power that is equal to or greater than, that of similar comprised standard aspects formed by just 2 planets, but they are more precise in their effect and influence because they involve more planets.
233. A MDX occurs whenever any planet is positioned at any multiple of 30 degrees from the midpoint of 2 other planets (semi-sextile, sextile, square, trine, quincunx, or opposition). If the midpoint is 00 degrees Leo, the whenever a planet is positioned at 00 degrees of all 30 degree aspects, it is at the MDX.
234. Using 20 degrees Leo as the midpoint of Jupiter-Pluto, anytime a midpoint crossing occurs, the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint will have an effect directly on the crossing planet; likewise the crossing planet will also influence the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint, which means that the crossing planet will affect both Jupiter and Pluto.
235. The exact nature of the influence will depend upon precisely which combinations of planets are involved, and also on the angle of the crossing.