KP: Cuspal Sub Lord Event Table
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Erecting the Prasa or Horary Chart
Judging the Prashna/Horary:
Fulfillment of a Query:
Cuspal Sub Lord:
- If a person comes to you for a consultation about a specific question, ask him/her to give you a number from 1 to 249. The number given to you is taken as the Ascendant, and from the number you can find out the Sign, Star and Sub. Most astrological software programs allow you to enter the Prasha/Horary number either in the data entry screen or on a separate worksheet, so the manual work is as easy as selecting a number on your keyboard, while the software calculates the chart for you. If you are constructing a chart manually, say your client has picked the number 145. Go to your KP Star and Sub lord Table and scroll down for the number 145. There you will see that the Sign is Libra from 29 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds to 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds in the Star of Vishaka, Star Lord is Jupiter, and Sub Lord is Moon. So take 29:26:40 Libra as the Ascendant, grab your Table of Houses and Panchang, and continue constructing the chart by hand from there.
- If you do not want to use the system of selecting a number from 1 to 249, you may instead elect to construct the chart for the moment you wish to work on the chart, giving your judgment just as you would for an ordinary horoscope. This chart should be erected for the place that you are working on the chart at the time of judgment.
Judging the Prashna/Horary:
- The Moon is the mind, so in the Prasna Chart, the mind of the client is shown by the position of the Moon, and it also assists in knowing the nature of the question asked.
- Generally the Moon, or its Star Lord or its Sub Lord, occupies or owns the house under question OR the Moon is connected with the house in question by conjunction or association with (by aspect) the owner or occupant of the house in question, or from the chief Karaka of the matter asked about.
Fulfillment of a Query:
- Planet Direct or Retrograde: Ordinarily in the Prasna Chart, a planet in direct motion will give the results, so a retrograde planet can give results only when it goes direct in motion, and when it crosses the point from where it initially turned retrograde. (Note: This theory is subject to modification according to experience in individual cases, as it does not always prove to be the case. Furthermore, the meaning of a retrograde planet is to be interpreted according to the nature of the question on each case.)
Cuspal Sub Lord:
- The Cuspal Sub Lord of a house under question indicates whether the matter signified by that house is promised or not.
- The matter is promised if the Cuspal Sub Lord is the significator, (for example, in the Star of the occupant or the owner) of that house or any one of the houses under consideration.
- If the Cuspal Sub Lord or its Sub Star Lord is retrograde, the matter is promised when they turn direct.
- If the Star Lord (of this Cuspal Lub Lord) is retrograde, the matter is not denied, but it will not materialize during the Mahadasha, Bhukti, or Pratyantardasa of this Cuspal Sub Lord. However, it does materialize during the dasa sequence of another significator (of the matter under question) whose Star Lord is direct in motion.
- As each house denotes several particular matters, the chief governor of the matter under question may be taken into account, and it should be connected with the Star Lord of the Cuspal Sub Lord of the house under question.
- In the Prasna Chart, the Ascendant indicates the efforts of the querant, while the 11th cusp shows the fulfillment of their desires, or success in general.
- So if the Cuspal Sub Lord of the Ascendant or the 11th cusp is the significator of the matter in question, the querant gets success in general.
- If the Cuspal Sub Lord of the Ascendant or the 11th cusp is posited in house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, or 11, or if it is in the Star of the occupant of house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, or 11, the querant gets success in all undertakings. The Ascendant denotes success in one's efforts, the 2nd denotes monetary gain, the 3rd denotes help from others, the 6th, being 12th to the 7th, indicates loss to the other and gain to the querant, the 10th denotes reputation, while the 11th denotes profits and gain. Therefore, these particular houses are beneficial to the querant in general.
- The significators show the time of an event.
- Note the significators of the house or houses which represent the matter asked.
- Reject the significators which are in the Star of a retrograde planet, because it cannot, during its period or Sub period, give the results of its Star Lord.
- Out of these significators, give preference to those significators which are found among the following planets:
- Ruling Planets
- The Sign Lord, Star Lord, and Sub Lord of the cusp of the house under query.
- The Cuspal Sub Lords of the houses under consideration.
- The joint period rulers (dasas) at the time of judgment. Discretion should be used while selecting the significators from the above planets.
- The query will materialize during the joint period (dasas) of these significators when the transit agrees.
- At the time of the event, Sun, Moon and/or the joint period rulers (dasa rulers) will be found in the Star or Sub of the same joint period ruler or rulers.
Note: All references to the material above are from the work and teachings of Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti, Chandrakant R. Bhatt, K. Subramainiam, Sri M.P. Shanmugam, Prof K. Hariharan, and/or publications in the KP & Astrology Journals/Yearbooks. For Book information, please go to KP Books.